Hickory Hills Auto Repair
Auto Repair Services Near Hickory Hills, IL - Try Guaranteed Motor Cars Service & Auto Spa
If you are looking for an affordable and trustworthy auto repair shop in Hickory Hills, we hope you choose Guaranteed Motor Cars Service & Auto Spa!
Guaranteed Motor Cars Service & Auto Spa is Hickory Hills's number one choice for auto repair. Our staff is well-trained with the goal of consistent and great customer service. We are conveniently located near Hickory Hills. Drop by the auto repair shop today at 10926 SW Hwy, Palos Hills, IL, 60465 any time, or give us a call at 708-741-0009 and schedule an appointment.
Ahmad Daoud, 10/17/2024My brothers car was having an issues we took it to Guaranteed Motor Cars Service department and they were able to find the problem and I got it covered under my service contract great guys over there.
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